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Wordsworth Reflection

Step 2 Reflection

William Wordsworth was a pioneer of Romantic poetry. He displayed all aspects of love through the use of foreshadowing and pathetic fallacy. Wordsworth was so successful with these literary devices since he was always “preeoccupied with the relationships of nature and imagination”. (The Politics Of Nature, 3) In the book The Politics Of Nature written by Nicholas Roe displayed and pinpointed the aspects of where Wordsworth depended on nature to enforce points in his poems. Roe stated on page 10 that: “Wordsworth in 1798 seeks to affirm that nature and the language of the senses may inform ‘moral being’ to the good of society as a whole”. I tried to display this aspect through my piece as displaying a peaceful suicide through the aspect of God. “as I close my eyes and let my body fall to sleep. I trust in god, everything will work out the way it should.” 

Next, I wanted to give William Wordsworth a more alternative voice. It needs to be remembered at the time that suicde was looked down upon. It was seen as taking the easy way out. This caused a lot of silence in the discussion of everyone's mental being. Moreover, Wordsworth was known for his Romantic poetry and using natural beings and aspects to foreshadow different aspects in his poem. I tried to capture this romantic, natural foreshadowing through the use of the rose and the wind. In addition to these two natural aspect, to capture the alternative voice I displayed heart ache to the point of suicide. I then further foreshadowed these aspects through the ”prick off her thorn '. I also incorporated more use of gender specific pronouns (her/she) to help display that this rose wasn't a rose, it was a woman. 

It needs to be noted as well, that my piece was written as a creative journal entry on one of these nature walks he was known to go on. Writing from the perspective of a poet is quite hard since most of their personal work jornal, and anecdotal documents are not published. From my research I took the aspects of his life such as being obsessed with romantic poetry, foreshadowing, and nature walks and tried to incorporate in a creative journal entry he could be writing on a nature walk.



Works Cited


Roe, Nicholas. The Politics Of Nature. Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st edition ed., Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, University Of Saint Andrews, 1992. Google Scholar, Accessed 1 March 2021.

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